Septentrio and Geo++
Elliott Enterprises work hand-in-hand with Septentrio and Geo++ building International Standard CORS Neworks…… “we Support and we Care”
CORS Receivers
Septentrio is the leader in design and manufacture of GNSS receivers. Our product lines are trusted to be well engineered, widely applicable and offer easy integration in a wide range of industries.
Septentrio specialize in CORS (continuous operating reference system) receivers providing the highest accuracy, jam free signal technologies available.
The Septentrio AsteRx4 GNSS board is the heart and soul of our receivers. Septentrio products are leading the field, with Precise Satellite Tracking, Lowest cycle slips, Higher Performance, Lower Power consumption plus Signal Interference Mitigation technology – all working together to guarantee Septentrio the Highest Survey Standards in the market place…..
Smarter, Faster Patented Firmware for Higher Accuracy Positioning….ALL DAY…….EVERYDAY!
In May 2016, Septentrio were chosen as the preferred supplier for UNAVCO (University NAVSTAR Consortium). A market previously dominated by Trimble, Leica and Topcon.
The Septentrio PolaRx5 Receiver powered by the AsteRx4 GNSS board with 544 channels provides expansion capacity for all satellite constellation developments beyond 2025, future proof technology.
Click here to view the latest UNAVCO GNSS Receiver Preferred Vendor RFP Evaluation Report
CORS Software
The Geo++® GmbH company was founded in Garbsen near Hannover/Germany in 1990. The company now looks back on their many years of experience in the field of GNSS-based positioning for static and kinematic applications in geodesy and navigation through the manager D. Eng. Gerhard Wübbena as well as a highly qualified staff.

The Geo++® GmbH works in the fields of system conception, development and analysis for Geo++ products and also by consultation of and in cooperation with well-known manufacturers and sellers in the positioning market.
Choosing Geo++ software eliminates royalties for each user connected, plus there are penalties for adding different brands of CORS receivers to the CORS network. There is simple, single license cost for each CORS receiver added to the system.
The Geo++® GmbH range of services comprise of all the components for positioning with GNSS. GNSMART covers all navigation systems including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS etc. The generally recognized expertise of Geo++ in this field flows into various software products and complete systems.
More important characteristics of the Geo++ systems are its independence from receiver hardware brands plus the rigorous modeling of un-differenced observables resulting in higher accuracy and flexibility to cater for every application.
Geo++ produces the sophisticated reference service software Geo++® GNSMART that controls the German market.
It serves to create and spread correction data for DGPS-applications too. It can be applied both by local base stations with the reference station software Geo++® GNREF and by nation-wide, full-coverage and interconnected permanent stations with Geo++® GNNET.
For positioning in real time with GNSS the program system Geo++® GNRT/GNNET-RTK was developed. As a universal system Geo++ GNRT can be configured for all important DGNSS-applications.
Owing to its scalable accuracy range from one meter up to less than one centimeter it meets the needs of fields of application including surveying, photogrammetry, hydrography, or GIS . The integration of additional sensors enables a flexible implementation of special customized applications. GNSMART uses the VRS method for RTK correction, other methods are also available.
For post processing GNSS-observations the efficient Geo++® GNNET-POST program is available for integration.
CORS Antenna Monuments
At the core and most important in CORS Network designs is the Location, Security, Stability and Reliability of the CORS equipment, antenna, communications and power supply guaranteeing 24/7 accessibility.
At Elliott Enterprises we have the experience to design a CORS Network though all stages from planning to commissioning.
Monuments designed and manufactured to International guidelines for CORS implementation and installation, guaranteeing the highest accuracy and reliability…the most technologically advanced system.

Elliott Enterprises design and manufacture Tier 1-3 Antenna Monument designs to specification to ensure accurate, reliable stations with communication and power sources to ensure 24/7 operation of the network, maximizing our clients potential. The harsh Philippine environment demands stainless steel construction.

We work closely with our clients in the design, supply and installation processes. Providing training and maintenance contracts tailored to meet our client’s short term and long term requirements.