Inertial receiver set-up is significantly simplified with the new Lever Arm functionality, which in combination with the Web User Interface
Author: kermit
Septentrio brings OSNMA anti-spoofing security to market
April 13, 2022 – By Tracy Cozzens Septentrio has released Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) functionality on its mosaic GNSS receiver modules.
Receivers Guide Drills Despite Ionosphere
Flanders, a U.S.-based company with expertise in electrical machinery and control systems, has developed its proprietary ARDVARC advanced drill-rig control
Why secure GPS receivers are crucial for GNSS/INS systems? Resilient GPS/GNSS receivers protect INS systems from jamming and spoofing With
Always in the ‘middle’
Surveyors: Always in the ‘middle’ of something… March 2, 2022 – By Tim Burch The surveying profession is intrinsically involved with many functions
As leaders in the GNSS Industry, Elliott Enterprises are always seeking the best information and advice to keep your POSITIONS