Today we prepare 2 x Septentrio APS3G’s using the Juniper Allegro 2 field tough computers to connect with an existing AsteRxU base receiver to provide RTK correction via the Internet.
Just over a year ago the water district engaged Elliott Enterprises to develop a solution for a city wide RTK GNSS system to provide accurate height data to design a 21st century water system to deliver water to the household at the right pressure on demand. After some testing and R&D we recommended an Altus Positioning System.

Upper Cases: 2 x APS3G Kits for Internet connection via GSM. Lower Case: 1 x APS3G RTK kit Peer-to Peer UHF radio
The third case (on the floor) consists of 2 x Septentrio APS3G’s as an RTK GNSS Kit with a Juniper Allegro 2 field tough computer to operate Carlson SurvCE software for road design, drainage design and subdivision developments across a province.
The Altus Positioning System is chosen consistently for speed, accuracy and versatility in the most challenging surveys. With free firmware for the life of the receiver, the province will enjoy continued free upgrades and support for an even better survey solution for many years to come.
Call Nelia Elliott on 0917 557 971 to join our business family!